Creation is WHO we are, not what we produce

The global pandemic was a pivotal time in many people’s lives. I was one of these people! I don’t think I would be the woman I am today had it not been for the crash and burn of all the systems and constructs I had built my life around, one of these being aviation. Having no work or set routine for a large chunk of 2020 allowed me time to explore my interests and take up new hobbies. I think a lot of people can relate to this. A global lockdown and the closure of many businesses, granted many of us TIME to really sit and reflect on who we are outside of work and give TIME to things we actually enjoy doing. For me that included painting, reading, writing, yoga, baking and personal development.

In 29 years of living, this was the first time I actually stopped for a substantial period. By that I mean it was the first time in my life (since childhood) that I didn’t work, I wasn’t travelling, I simply slowed down and spent time with myself. What I discovered about myself is that I am a woman of many hobbies. When the pandemic first began I considered myself a woman with ZERO hobbies. I discovered that when I am “still” I have time to create, and by create I don’t mean paint coloured canvases for my bedroom walls (even though that is exactly what I did!) but I learnt to CREATE a life for myself that I simply LOVE. I did that by connecting to my authentic self (the self I had previously been too “busy” for by keeping up appearances) and following my true passions which didn’t have to make sense to anyone but me.

Once I started listening to my inner voice, the TRUE me who wanted to stay in and read books instead of going out to parties, who wanted to bake cakes instead of fly, who wanted to wear her hair in braids instead of buns, I opened up a whole portal of magic within me. The imagination of my inner child awoke and I suddenly received so much inspiration and desire to create. I not only created artistic paintings but I created a business around my passion for baking cakes, I created a Vlog, I created a morning routine, and I created a lust for my LIFE! I stepped into the embodiment of the Creatrix which exists within us all (MAN and woman). This is our Divine Feminine Energy – our sacred life-force energy. We are ALL here to CREATE the life of our dreams.

Q. What is a Creatrix?

A. A Creatrix is a woman who is deeply connected to herself and her creative power. She gives rise to her desires and gives birth to new ideas.  She trusts herself deeply and dreams LARGE and courageously!

As I mentioned before, I am not just talking about women here, all MEN and WOMEN possess Masculine AND Feminine energy and creation, creativity, and the power to create is a quality of feminine ENERGY. Unfortunately, we have been told that the “outcome” of what we create is of more value than the act of creation itself, in all its raw and messy form (or lack thereof). Because of this, we’ve lost touch with a vital aspect of WHO we are as humans, we ARE creation. Creation moves within us and through us, in every cell of our human bodies. We are all divine beings with the ability to create our reality. In fact, we are all walking and talking human embodiments of CREATION itself. It is our sovereign and divine right to dream big and to birth new ideas into the world, however big or small they may be.

It’s not about what we create but the fact we are creating, that is the magic that lies within us all. That is your divinity, to take something from the non-physical realm, something you’ve perhaps imagined in your head and bring it forward into the 3-D dimension. That is a miracle within itself. So next time you attend an art class, open an excel spreadsheet or Word doc, create your own Spotify playlist, or drive a new route to work – know that you are in the process of creation. No matter what the outcome, you are using your divine sovereignty to create your life and that is pure magic…

You are pure magic. Don’t forget it.

Wishing you all a prosperous and abundant new year.
Much love, Dani x

P.S. I am feeling super inspired to talk about this topic right now as I am organising a watercolour painting event in Melbourne on Sunday 22nd January which explores this Creatrix energy, the Divine Feminine within all of us and her ability to create anything she desires. If this is of interest to you, you can check out the invite HERE. I’d love to see you there if you are in Melbourne on that date.

2 responses to “Creation is WHO we are, not what we produce”

  1. … that was a breath of fresh air. It’s Sunday evening where I am, dreading Monday blues, but I am opening that Excel file with a different mindset tomorrow morning 🙂

    I relate. A year into the pandemic, everything crashed & burned for me too, job wise. The industry that I work in, weathered the nightmare a little longer than others, but eventually it folded. Sat back, relaxed, hoped for the best, expected the worst … 45 minute home workouts thrice a week, took up and enjoyed cooking – it was like meditation but doing the dishes after, that killed me. Reserved 30 minutes each day to make a trip to the temple, figured out a way to keep my residency, and watched a lot of TV. I think I created discipline, or maybe a good routine. It had been 8 months, things started to look up (really? look up?!) let me explain, I’m working again and it’s bitter sweet. I had involuntary been cut off from the grind, in retrospect, what a good time those 8 months were. While I was enjoying my gift of time-off, I still desperately wanted to return to the grind. Classic conflict of the heart and the head. I had to choose with my head, since I live under a sponsorship system and want to do so in the foreseeable future. But, I’ve experienced freedom, the joy of not having to do anything and I reminisce about it all the time. I’m conflicted. Just saying, I’ll figure it out, there’s always a way.

    P.S. On a lighter note, it’s Jan 8 where I am, and I am not going to be able to wish you a Happy New Year because now it’s too late and the statute of limitations is only three days – according to my hero – Larry David ( Kidding – Wishing you a prosperous and abundant New Year too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Nitin, so glad you can relate to my post. It always feels good to know you’re not alone! I appreciate your New Years wishes even though it’s belated! Sending many blessings your way for 2023!

      Liked by 1 person

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About Me

Hello there, my name is Danielle Murnane, although more commonly known as Dani. I am a writer, blogger, YouTuber, traveller, content creatrix, feminine embodiment coach, dragon keeper and above all a dreamer.

I spent the past few years travelling around the world, working as a flight attendant for Qatar Airways and Emirates Airlines in the Middle East and Qantaslink in Australia. These days I am working as a holistic women’s health coach and running sacred women’s circles across Australia.

Here are some of my travel tales, thoughts, ideas and perspectives on things I find interesting. I hope you enjoy.

Love, Dani x
